Feb. 24, 2021

Reading Penthouse Forum with Emery Jacobs

Reading Penthouse Forum with Emery Jacobs

Fact: writing oral sex is harder than sex-sex.

Steam Scenes took a brief hiatus (sorry! book deadlines!), but we’re back with Emery Jacobs. When she got stymied writing her first intimate scene, she turned to Penthouse Forum for inspiration! We talk about reading our own cringy bits, writing angst without meaning to, and our characters can hurt our hearts a little. We can’t wait to light your ears on fire! 


You can find Emery online: 


BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/emery-jacobs 

Facebook Reader Group: http://bit.ly/ejbookbabes 

Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/emeryjacobsauthor 

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/emeryjacobsauthor 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emery_jacobs 

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ejacobswrites 

Website: https://www.emeryjacobs.com 

Newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/updatesfromemery 


Grab a copy of Undeniably His on Amazon.

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